Calumma roaloko
First description: Prötzel, Lambert, Andrianasolo, Hutter, Cobb, Scherz and Glaw, 2018 Origin of the species name: David Prötzel, Mark D. Scherz and Frank Glaw from the Zoologic State Collection Munich (Germany), Shea M. Lambert...
Local form Nosy Hara
Distribution of the local form Nosy Hara: Nosy Hara is an island in front of a bay not far from Antsiranana (Diego Suarez) in the north of Madagascar. The island is about 3.2 km²...
Calumma uetzi
First description: Prötzel, Vences, Hawlitschek, Scherz, Ratsoavina & Glaw, 2018 Origin of the species name: Frank Glaw of the Munich State Zoological Collection (Germany) had the idea to name the species after Peter...
Calumma vohibola
First description: Gehring, Ratsoavina, Vences and Glaw, 2011 Origin of the species name: Philip-Sebastian Gehring and Miguel Vences from the Technical University of Braunschweig (Germany), Fanomezana M. Ratsoavina from the University of Antananarivo (Madagascar),...