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Calumma roaloko

First description: Prötzel, Lambert, Andrianasolo, Hutter, Cobb, Scherz and Glaw, 2018 Origin of the species name: David Prötzel, Mark D. Scherz and Frank Glaw from the Zoologic State Collection Munich (Germany), Shea M. Lambert...

Local form Nosy Hara

Distribution of the local form Nosy Hara: Nosy Hara is an island in front of a bay not far from Antsiranana (Diego Suarez) in the north of Madagascar. The island is about 3.2 km²...

Local form Nosy Komba

Distribution of the local form Nosy Komba: Nosy Komba is an island in the northwest of Madagascar. It is located in close proximity to the islands Nosy Be and Nosy Tanikely directly opposite the...

Calumma uetzi

  First description: Prötzel, Vences, Hawlitschek, Scherz, Ratsoavina & Glaw, 2018 Origin of the species name: Frank Glaw of the Munich State Zoological Collection (Germany) had the idea to name the species after Peter...

Calumma vohibola

First description: Gehring, Ratsoavina, Vences and Glaw, 2011 Origin of the species name: Philip-Sebastian Gehring and Miguel Vences from the Technical University of Braunschweig (Germany), Fanomezana M. Ratsoavina from the University of Antananarivo (Madagascar),...
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