Calumma malthe
First description: (Günther, 1879) Origin of the species name: The German zoologist Albert Carl Ludwig Gotthilf Günther, then Director of the Zoological Department of the Natural History Museum of London (Great Britain), named Calumma...
Furcifer viridis
First description: Florio, Ingram, Rakotondravony, Louis & Raxworthy, 2012 Origin of the species name: The biologists Antonia M. Florio, Colleen M. Ingram from the Natural History Museum in New York (USA), Hery A. Rakotondravony...
Calumma marojezense
First description: (Brygoo, Blanc & Domergue, 1970) Origin of the species name: The zoologists Édouard-Raoul Brygoo, Charles Pierre Blanc and Charles Antoine Domergue of the Institut Pasteur in Antananarivo, Madagascar, named the species after...
Calumma oshaughnessyi
First description: (Günther, 1881) Origin of the species name: The German zoologist Albert Carl Ludwig Gotthilf Günther, then Director of the Zoological Department of the Natural History Museum of London (Great Britain), gave only...
Calumma parsonii cristifer
First description: (Methuen & Hewitt, 1913) Origin of the species name: The English zoologist Paul Ayshford Methuen, 4th Baron Methuen, and the South African zoologist John Hewitt gave this subspecies of the Parsons Chameleon...
Furcifer voeltzkowi
First description: Boettger, 1893 Origin of the species name: The paleontologist Oskar Böttger, then curator of the Senckenberg Museum in Frankfurt am Main, dedicated this chameleon species to the German zoologist Alfred Voeltzkow....
Calumma roaloko
First description: Prötzel, Lambert, Andrianasolo, Hutter, Cobb, Scherz and Glaw, 2018 Origin of the species name: David Prötzel, Mark D. Scherz and Frank Glaw from the Zoologic State Collection Munich (Germany), Shea M. Lambert...
Furcifer willsii
First description: (Günther, 1890) Origin of the species name: The German zoologist Albert Carl Ludwig Gotthilf Günther, then Director of the Zoological Department of the Natural History Museum of London (Great Britain), named this...
Local form Ankarana East
Distribution of the local form Ankarana East The Ankarana National Park is located in the northwest of Madagascar in the Diana region. By the Tsingys, an impressive needle rock formation, the National Park is...
Local form Ankarana West
Distribution of the local form: Ankarana national park is in northwest Madagascar in region Diana. It is separated into two large areas by the Tsingys, an impressive needlestone formation. One side is the east,...