Aktuelle Rubrik

The cage & the animal

Feces and urates

Feces and urates In contrast to humans, dogs, cats, and other mammals, chameleons do not release liquid urine. Instead, they produce so-called urate, which consists of the salts of uric acid. Urat is a...


Quarantine is a limited period of time during which a chameleon is kept completely isolated from other chameleons and other reptiles to protect them from contagious diseases. In the case of chameleons, these are...

Where to buy?

Once you have clarified what species of chameleon you want to keep and have already prepared a terrarium, an important question arises: Where do you get your chameleon from?   Pet shop Like guinea...

Law and order

Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch. Alle Chamäleons gehören geschützten Arten an, so dass die Haltung im Terrarium bestimmten Regeln unterliegt. Man muss Chamäleons beispielsweise bei der Behörde anmelden, wenn man sie...

How much is a chameleon?

Keeping and breeding chameleons are relatively costly compared to other pets. Each chameleon has to be kept in its own terrarium, which takes up a lot of space but also means more effort. The...

Cleaning and disinfection

Everyone in the terrarium hobby has already experienced it: You painstakingly set up a beautiful terrarium, but do not take it so exactly with the quarantine and put the newly acquired chameleon in the...

How to clean lime deposits on glass

Chameleon owners with extremely hard tap water at home will know the problem: After some weeks of running your sprinkler system, all glass panes are whitishly sprinkled with ugly lime deposits. But there are...
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